
리안소프트는 수익의 1%를 유니세프에 후원합니다.

매년 5세 미만 어린이 4명 중 1명이 발육부진에 시달리고, 그중 약 230만 명이 영양실조로 목숨을 잃습니다. 매일 약 5,000명의 어린이가 폐렴과 설사병으로 인해 목숨을 잃으며, 매년 사망하는 5세 미만 어린이는 690만명 입니다. 이중 64%는 페렴, 설사병, 홍역, 말라리아, HIV 등과 같이 예방 가능한 질환으로 목숨을 잃습니다. 아이들에게는 구호 물품이 필요합니다. 생명 나누기 모임이 동참하세요.

Rian Soft co.,ltd. donate the 1% Clear Profit to UNICEF

Child poverty in Viet Nam today is more prevalent than traditional poverty statistics reveal. They cannot tell us whether children’s basic needs are being satisfied, as distinct from those of the adults they may live with. With support from UNICEF, Viet Nam recently developed its own child-specific approach to poverty, based on basic needs like education, health, shelter, social inclusion and protection. Using this method to go beyond monetary poverty, rates show that, in 2006, about one third of all children below 16 years of age, or seven million children, can be considered poor.

One third of children below five are stunted as a result of chronic malnutrition. More than one out of every three children is not fully immunized by the age of five. Almost half of all children do not have access to a hygienic sanitation facility in their home and two thirds of all children do not have a children’s or picture book to read.

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